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How To Compose A College-Level Cause And Effect Essay

What is cause and effect essay?

The word cause and effect gives the hint that, this type of essay is mainly based on events, experience, that one would like to analyze in terms of the cause and effects of the occurrence. This kind of writing explains about the outcome of any specific event and the relation. To break it down further, cause signifies about any action that leads to an unexpected consequence. And the effects are the results of the event. This special piece of writing is done in several steps and generally they are descriptive in nature.

Understand and determine the causes

The first task would be to make a list, which should contain all the possible causes for the event that you are suppose to write. This should be written very carefully, because without a proper list of causes, you can’t form the essay. You should ask yourself 5’W questions, that is, why, what, when, where and who.

As you dig deep down with all sorts of questions, gradually you will be able to figure a lot of answers. This is how, the initial research work begins and slowly but steadily you will be able to gather new information as well. But depending on the topic and word limit, you must important theme and limit the discussions as per importance. With your valuable research work, you will be able to compose cause and its effect essay for your college study.

Find out the effects of the event

In order to write about effects, you must make a list of the possible effects that you are aware of, about a specific event. Depending on the topic of the essay, ask relevant questions about its outcomes. How it has effected society, or how it has changed your life? But be sure about one thing; do not forget to demonstrate about the outcome of the events through proper examples or occurrences in the event.

Predicting an outcome

The cause and effect write up may also have a wonderful conclusion, where you may write about the possible result of the event or make prediction that suits the event. Don’t forget to cross check facts, developments and observations from the event; this will help you too give a chance to show your skill, as a writer as well as how realistic your paper can be.

All this points are good enough to help you out to write a proper college level cause and effect essay.
