The importance of the Introductory Paragraph, can never be overstated. This is what will make or break the essay at the start. If the introductory paragraph does not catch the interest of the reader, the instructor, then it starts out with a bad grade. And it is nearly impossible to salvage after that point. Essay writing tips: what to include in the introductory paragraph, will be discussed here.
It is like fishing. Use the right hook, and the most tasty bait, to catch the best fish. This line is what has to draw the reader in. When the essay is outlined, the writer knows what they are going to be talking about, and put into it. Now use that idea and find a way to make it grab the reader. A Financial Essay might start out, “What would you do if the wind blew a £100.00 note, to you?”. Who would not be interested?
Now that the reader’s attention is captured, it is time to hit them with what the essay is about. This is stating the problem. Here the student wants to inform the reader what they are going to be talking about. Stating the problem could be like this; “Before investing hard earned money, a well research investment strategy is needed”.
Here is where the student informs the reader what type of view they have on the subject. This now allows the reader to know if this is something they might agree with or not. In class the instructor is looking for quality, so the view is not as important as an editorial essay. But it still needs to be there. It could be like this as well; “Working off from a conservative financial view, I will be showing ways to develop…”
Every introductory paragraph should be between 4 to 6 sentences long. As the writer started with an outline, the reader needs one too. It is not as detailed as what the writer uses; but it still shows the reader what is being presented. Point out some of the strong points, and give a reference to start off with. In other words, prepare the reader for the essay.
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